Metamask: Set BUSD transaction value in web3 ETH send transaction

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Setting a BUSD Transaction Value in Web3 ETH Send Transaction Using Metamask

As a Metamask user, you are already familiar with creating Ethereum (ETH) transactions using Binance Docs. However, setting a BUSD (Binance US Dollar) transaction value requires some additional steps. In this article, we will walk you through the process of sending an ETH transaction to a BUSD address.


  • You have a Metamask wallet set up and connected to your Ethereum network.
  • You have followed the instructions on Binance Docs to create a transaction to send ETH using Web3js.
  • Your Metamask wallet is configured to use USDT (BUSD) as the default token.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Verify your BUSD address: First, you need to verify that you have a valid BUSD address in your Metamask wallet. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Open your Metamask wallet app.

b. Go to the Wallet tab and select your account.

c. Click the Manage button next to your account.

d. Scroll down to the Tokens section and find the BUSD token (BUSD).

e. Make sure you have a positive balance by checking the amount.

  • Set the transaction value: Now it’s time to set the transaction value in ETH. This is where Metamask gets creative. To do this:

a. Open your Web3js console or use the ethers.js library.

b. Create an Ethereum account using the ethers.createAccount() function.

const eth = new ethers.Contract('0x...', {

'0x...': 'your_mnemonic_string',


c. Use the eth.getBalance() function to get the current ETH balance of your Metamask wallet:

const balance = await eth.getBalance();

d. Create a BUSD token contract on the Ethereum network using the web3.ethereum library.

const busdTContract = new web3.eth.Contract('0x...', 'your_busdt_contract_address');

d. Use the busdTContract.tokenAddress() function to get the address of your BUSD token contract.

const busdTAddress = await busDTContract.tokenAddress();

f. Set the transaction value by creating an ETH account using the ethers.createAccount() function and passing the BUSD token contract address as a parameter:

const ethBalance = await ethers.createAccount('your_mnemonic_string').getBalance();

const busdTVvalue = ethBalance / 10**18; // Convert ETH to BUSD balance

g. You can now create a transaction to send ETH using the instructions on Binance Docs.

consttransactionHash = await ethereum.request({

method: 'eth_sendTransaction',

parameters: [


from: 'your_metamask_account_address',

to: busdTAddress,

value: busDTValue.toString(),

gasPrice: 20, // Replace with your desired gas price

gas: 10000, // Set the gas limit

chainId: 1, // Use the mainnet (Ethereum network)




Sample code:


const eth = new ethers.Contract(‘0x…’, {

‘0x…’: ‘your_mnemonic_string’,


const balance = await eth.getBalance();

const busdTAddress = await eth.getBusdContract().tokenAddress();

const ethBalance = await ethers.createAccount(‘your_mnemonic_string’).getBalance();

const busdTVvalue = ethBalance / 10**18;

consttransactionHash = await ethereum.request({

method: ‘eth_sendTransaction’,

parameters: [


from: ‘your_metamask_account_address’,

to: busdTAddress,

value: busDTValue.toString(),

gasPrice: 20, // Replace with your desired gas price

gas: 10000, // Set the gas limit

chainId: 1, // Use the mainnet (Ethereum network)





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