Metamask: How to add logo to a web3 personal signature message?

Add optional logos to personal subscriptions “Web3 Metamask”

As a web developer creation program using React, you are probably familiar with personal signature generation for users. However, a common problem arises in its program, Metamask, in the Ethereum block circuit: the signature message shows an uncomfortable letter “d” at the top of the text.

This problem can easily be resolved by adding the optional logo to the beginning of your subscription message on Metamask Web3. In this article, we will help you do actions to add a personalized logo to the react program signatures.

Why signatures appear as ‘d’ and how to correct it

Metamask: How to add logo to a web3 personal signature message?

The standard source used in metamaske signatures is Arial, which makes the lyrics uncomfortable “D”. This problem arises because the signature message is provided with a fixed width that does not take into account different source sizes. By adding a custom logo, we can create a more visually attractive signature that fits different solutions and different screen equipment types.

Step 1: Create a new component of your Reatature logo

Let’s start by creating a new component of our logo. Let’s call it “logo.js”. Add this code to this file:


import to answer to “respond”;

CONST Logo = () => {


The name of your company



Export the standard logo;


This component will provide a simple DIV item with the name of a company as its content.

Step 2: Integrate your logo with your subscription message

We will continue to modify our React Program to include the logo in the subscription message. We can achieve this by adding the optional component logo.JS involving the original signature message and shows the logo at the top of the text.

Let’s update our file in app.js:


import to answer to “respond”;

Import logo of ‘./logo’;

Program Function () {

Const Handlesign = () => {

// The logic of your program here …


reimbursement (

Subscribe to your name


Now we wrap the original signature message to a custom component that adds a logo




Export the standard program;


Step 3: Create a new component of Signurremessage

To show your signature message with a logo, we will create a separate component called sighituremememesage.js. Add this code to this file:


import to answer to “respond”;

CONST Spluressage = () => {

reimbursement (

Subscribe to your name

button your program logic here … /}> Sign



Export the standard signamamessage;


** Step 4: logo style and signature message

Finally, we can customize the appearance of our logo and subscription message by adding some basic styles. Add this code to logo.js:


import to answer to “respond”;

import {style} of “style components”;


Width: 100 pixels;

High text: Centro;


CONST Logo = () => {

reimbursement (

The name of your company



Export the standard logo;


And add this code to Sawnirememessage.js:


import to answer to “respond”;

Consta SpluressageContier = style.div

Width: 100%;

Margin-top: 20 pixels;


CONST Spluressage = () => {

reimbursement (

Subscribe to your name

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