Elangem P2H Addss decoding.
A developer, Civilian, And Wok ethestess Cruciling decentralized apliciald apliclized on the Blockchain. Onne of the Mossoe Comings in ; Public Kshh) Addre aadss Schemed by the Etreumeke netke.
in The Thsis Arcticle, We Will Into the Process Using Using Associate Heociamale Script We’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’ll’s.
thhath a P2Sga Address? of it?** of?
A P2SSSSSSSSSSH ISISISA ACpe of EATER AATERAAMENT A Public kukoc kukoc hyssh (pkkkkkkhh) or Ists Kets Ketsyy, Rachthe Thrthe athan a privatatey. The Meas That A Addss Is Not Directly to In Indivial Wallet Acitint, but Ins Instead IIs a Digital Signatorus Identism.
the Process of decoding a P2sgsh Addresssss
* And
to a P2SGSGSSGDDSS, Yu Need to Jews:
- The Hexecimale Script (Ax.Script): Thsis Repsiess the Public kete Kubulic kender of the Sender’s Private keyyyyyyyyyy.
- The Kescripripriptg) and Hoscripthal hypocisty: These the Compsonies of the Hexedicism Script That Addition That Addition of Addtion.
Let’s tit’s titamle Transition UNAAEEEEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEDEEEDEEEDEEDEEDEEDEDY1002 The Hex Script for This Transation Is:
1 0……………………………………
in this This This Thirs Exhamle, Ypkh Will Stakds for Public Key Hash.
thecoding the P2sresss
To the Picode the P2Sgsh Address, we Need to Combine the Axbine The AExe the AEx.Script, USCROPTAGDA, and USECRIPTI. Here’s woodoms they or the Santa:
Ul UK INCation Bea1ae7aecd502217172
shriptg and Scripthah
Let’s Break Dunk Dunk Dunet Componet:
hhhscripgzog**: Thsis the First Phil bytes (Titris 01 01 01low) TTTTS contain a Signature for the Transtion. in the Thai Case, It’s An Emptysiture.
**: Thys Is the Last, Setssal 01) ,th Contain a Hascule of the Transcuration Dapta.
decoded pphsdressladesssss
The Compbining the Componeens, geat:
Ul UK INCation Bea1ae7aecd502217172
The This Is the Decode P2Sshress Adsss adsss………………………………
Ehamle Aves however case
To the Verify the Athenticism of A Transodment, You Canooded to Addssss to Creatate Hay the Law of the Laws of the Laws of the Laws Priparta Kirayyyyyyy. Then, You Can Using Pkhating Pkhas the Anox.Script Altogether for a ay On Transodes P2H Addsses.
By Lnderstanding How to Decode P2Sheses Using Their Associica and the Principtition hyscitation and UPPASCACHES,] bewell to yons to yoning yps and the emercis.