Ethereum: How to decode very huge (!) raw transactions?

Decoding the Ethereum transaction very huge raw

Ethereum: How to decode very huge (!) raw transactions?

While the bloc chain continues to analyze to extract certain information, you can find unprecedented transactions that are too big for their processing systems or opportunities. In this article, we will explore how to decode on very huge raw Ethereum transactions.

Why are big transactions a problem?

When analyzing large transactions, you can face several challenges:

* Memory limitations : Unprofessional transactions data are often stored in a compressed format, which can lead to memory problems in your system.

* power construction limit : some blockchains have limited computer resources, which makes it difficult to process large amounts of data.

Decoding large raw transactions

To solve these problems, you will need to use specialized tools or libraries that can decode and effectively analyze the data of unprocessed transactions. Here are some approaches:

1. Ethers.js' Library

"Ethers." An option for analysis of the Ethereum transaction in Javascript is a popular. Provides an effective way to decod large unprocessed transactions using its optimized 'decodewtrasaction' function.


Const ether = demand ('ether');

// Analyze a block chain to get a transaction information

Async paetransactidata () {{)

Const Tx = Waiting EtherS.wallet.Gettransation ("0x ..."); // Replace yourself with hash transactions

// decipher and analyzes unprecedented transaction data

Consta decodewtransation = new ethers.decoderrawtransation (TX);

Const decodeedtx = awaits decodewtransation.decode ();

Return decodeedtx;


PLANSTSACTIONATA (). then (decodeedtx => console.log (decodeedtx));


TheTruffle-Eethereumlibrary offers a set of tools to work with Ethereum smart contracts and transactions. Includes the optimized 'decodewtrasaction' function that can withstand major data.


Const {Ethers} = demand ('truffle-ethhereum');

// Analyze a block chain to get a transaction information

Async paetransactidata () {{)

Const Tx = Waiting EtherS.wallet.Gettransation ("0x ..."); // Replace yourself with hash transactions

Return a new promise ((rolve, rejection) => {

tx.rawtransation.then ((rawtx) => {

Const decodewtransation = new ethers.decoderrawtransation (RAWTX);

Const decodeedtx = decodewtransation.decode ();

resolution (decodeedtx);

}). To capture ((error) => {

refuse (error);




PLANSTSACTIONATA (). then (decodeedtx => console.log (decodeedtx));


'Solided-Ethers' library is a popular option for working with Smart Treaties Ethereum in Javascript. Includes the optimized class 'Decoderrawtransation' that can submit big data.


Const {Solidy} = demand ('firmness');

// Analyze a block chain to get a transaction information

Async paetransactidata () {{)

const tx = alea solid.getabi ("0x ..."); // Replace yourself with hash transactions

Return a new promise ((rolve, rejection) => {

Const decoderrawtransation = new dot.

Const decodeedtx = decoderrawtransation.decode ();

resolution (decodeedtx);



PLANSTSACTIONATA (). then (decodeedtx => console.log (decodeedtx));

Select the right approach

Deciding which approach to use consider the following factors:

* Introduction requirements : If you need to process large amounts of data,ethers.jso'truffelo-ethereum can be a better option.

* Simplicity of use : PALYTY-ETHERS 'is often considered easier for developers who are familiar with firmness.

* Licens and support :Ethers.jsis an open source according to the MIT license, while the dried truffle-esethereum and` Soloty-Ethers “under allowed licenses of the Ethereum Foundation.

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